Operator’s Guide

Access to information by the operator

The operator can access the address https://tvlms.com/ entering the credentials (Username and Password) that have been provided by the company.

At the first access, for a confidentiality issue, the operator will be asked for a new password.

Business information – use

At this point the operator can support the information in online mode (with PC and/or Smartphone).

Please note that it is possible to support the information at any time of day and it will be possible to divide it into several steps.

The information is divided into two macro areas:

  • MATERIALS: allows the pdf download of the information contained in the brochure “Rules of conduct, safety and the environment for operators of external companies”.
  • INFORMATION regarding the information (now available in Italian, it will soon be possible to choose between English or Romanian).
  • The first information I access when I select the information option is the% completion.
  • The first information I access when I select the information option is the% of completion of the information
  • Then selecting the first item, I open the security and environment video: remember that in order to go to the next step it is necessary to view the video in its entirety.
    Once the video is finished, you can access the various topics, useful for fixing important concepts and to prepare for test questions.

Company information – Verification

  • Once all the topics have been completed, I can take the test, which is divided into two areas
    • security (5 questions: to pass you must correctly answer at least 4)
    • environment (2 questions: to pass you must correctly answer at least 1)
  • Please note that if the test is not passed, it will not be possible to try again in the following two days.
  • Once the test has been passed, the system will automatically send an email to concierge FTM, which indicates that the operator has successfully passed the safety and environmental information.
  • At the same time the operator will have to download the pdf of the certificate and print it: on the day that he will present himself at the reception for the withdrawal of the badge, in addition to his personal documents, he will also have to present a copy of the printed certificate.